Burn Notice and The Colbert Report
Just a friendly reminder that Burn Notice returns this evening. Set boxes to record! Additionally I wanted to share something I've been appreciating for a while, but I kept forgetting to do so.
Comedy Central have made a huge selection of their shows available worldwide with their own website player. I'm now able to legitimately watch The Colbert Report after it's aired. It's all located over at the following address.
The show is brilliant and now is a great time to catch up a little as they're all on holiday.
Then TDZ and 4400 got canned (I've still not gotten over that) and now I'm left with Psych (which I enjoy, but it's not exactly clever programming) and of course BN.
Thanks for the heads up on FX, sadly I just don't have access to it right now, but I'm hoping to increase my range of channels to include it when I next move. All the good stuff seems to be on FX.