Watching The Wire: Episode One: The Target
“…When it’s not your turn” – McNulty
Story by David Simon & Ed Burns
Teleplay by David Simon
Directed by Clark Johnson
Wendell Pierce (Detective William 'Bunk' Moreland), Andre Royo (Bubbles), Lance Reddick (Lt. Cedric Daniels), John Doman (Major William Rawls), Wood Harris (Avon Barksdale), Deirdrie Lovejoy (Rhonda 'Ronnie' Pearlman), Idris Elba (Russell 'Stringer' Bell), Sonja Sohn (Detective Shakima 'Kima' Greggs), Dominic West (Detective Jimmy McNulty), Larry Gillard Jr (D'Angelo Barksdale), Frankie Faison (Deputy Op Ervin Burrell)
Delany Williams (Sgt. Jay Landsman), Wendy Grantham (Shardene Innes), Michael Kostroff (Maurice "Maury" Levy), Melanie Nicholls-King (Cheryl), Clayton LeBouef (Wendell "Orlando" Blocker), Domenick Lombardozzi (Off. Thomas R. "Herc" Hauk), J.D. Williams (Preston "Bodie" Broadus), Hassan Johnson (Roland "Wee-Bey" Brice), Peter Gerety (Judge Daniel Phelan), Seth Gilliam (Det. Ellis Carver), Leo Fizpatrick (Johnny), Michael B. Jordan (Wallace), Doug Olear (FBI Special Agent Terrence "Fitz" Fitzhugh), Richard DeAngelis (Major Ray Foerster), Michael Salconi (Det. Michael Santangelo), Brandon Price (Anton "Stinkum" Artis), Tracy Chaney (Malik "Poot" Carr) and Robert F. Colesberry (Det. Ray Cole).
Welcome to ‘Watching the Wire’ a weekly series that focuses on each episode of HBO’s masterpiece drama “The Wire” with the combination of an episode recap and then a look into the themes and details of the episode.
Before starting I feel it is important to stress the unique structure of “The Wire”. In a novel the first chapter doesn’t hint on the quality that is present in the rest of it, instead it is designed to provide a foundation for the story and hopefully pull the viewer into its reality slowly. The Wire is built on this logic and narrative structure. But, this can result in a disturbing experience for viewers who almost all have a very different preconception of how a television episode is constructed and how a series works. With a more normal show even the pilot episode will provide a short narrative that mostly resolves itself by the end of the episode. Instead The Wire is built like a classic novel and as such something that many viewers often fail to understand that The Wire is built on the very same structure that they immediately accept when reading books. I have experienced people who attempted to watch The Wire again and again fall down at this first hurdle by failing to grasp this.
This is to be expected, most people prefer to stay inside their own comfort zones and live within a world that is formulaic and reinforces their own stereotypes and preconceptions. The truth of the matter - for these people who turn away from “The Wire” because it doesn’t fit what they mistakenly assume should happen - is that they have failed both the show and more importantly they have failed themselves.
When watching ‘The Target’ you should consider it to be the first chapter of the story rather than the pilot episode of a new series.
[Note: The Summaries are taken from the DVD and no attempt is made to pass this off as my own work.]
During the trial of D’Angelo Barksdale, a mid-level dealer accused of murder, the prosecution’s star witness recants her testimony, resulting in a not guilty verdict. After the trial, Detective McNulty explains to Judge Phelan how he suspects the Barksdale crew for a line of related murders. After the judge contacts McNulty’s superiors about this revelation McNulty is taken to task for his indiscretion. Meanwhile, D’Angelo’s free to return to work. But discovers he’s been demoted to street level deals.
Read on beyond the link for the recap and assessment of ‘The Target’…
Wendell Pierce (Detective William 'Bunk' Moreland), Andre Royo (Bubbles), Lance Reddick (Lt. Cedric Daniels), John Doman (Major William Rawls), Wood Harris (Avon Barksdale), Deirdrie Lovejoy (Rhonda 'Ronnie' Pearlman), Idris Elba (Russell 'Stringer' Bell), Sonja Sohn (Detective Shakima 'Kima' Greggs), Dominic West (Detective Jimmy McNulty), Larry Gillard Jr (D'Angelo Barksdale), Frankie Faison (Deputy Op Ervin Burrell)
Delany Williams (Sgt. Jay Landsman), Wendy Grantham (Shardene Innes), Michael Kostroff (Maurice "Maury" Levy), Melanie Nicholls-King (Cheryl), Clayton LeBouef (Wendell "Orlando" Blocker), Domenick Lombardozzi (Off. Thomas R. "Herc" Hauk), J.D. Williams (Preston "Bodie" Broadus), Hassan Johnson (Roland "Wee-Bey" Brice), Peter Gerety (Judge Daniel Phelan), Seth Gilliam (Det. Ellis Carver), Leo Fizpatrick (Johnny), Michael B. Jordan (Wallace), Doug Olear (FBI Special Agent Terrence "Fitz" Fitzhugh), Richard DeAngelis (Major Ray Foerster), Michael Salconi (Det. Michael Santangelo), Brandon Price (Anton "Stinkum" Artis), Tracy Chaney (Malik "Poot" Carr) and Robert F. Colesberry (Det. Ray Cole).
The Introduction:
Welcome to ‘Watching the Wire’ a weekly series that focuses on each episode of HBO’s masterpiece drama “The Wire” with the combination of an episode recap and then a look into the themes and details of the episode.
Before starting I feel it is important to stress the unique structure of “The Wire”. In a novel the first chapter doesn’t hint on the quality that is present in the rest of it, instead it is designed to provide a foundation for the story and hopefully pull the viewer into its reality slowly. The Wire is built on this logic and narrative structure. But, this can result in a disturbing experience for viewers who almost all have a very different preconception of how a television episode is constructed and how a series works. With a more normal show even the pilot episode will provide a short narrative that mostly resolves itself by the end of the episode. Instead The Wire is built like a classic novel and as such something that many viewers often fail to understand that The Wire is built on the very same structure that they immediately accept when reading books. I have experienced people who attempted to watch The Wire again and again fall down at this first hurdle by failing to grasp this.
This is to be expected, most people prefer to stay inside their own comfort zones and live within a world that is formulaic and reinforces their own stereotypes and preconceptions. The truth of the matter - for these people who turn away from “The Wire” because it doesn’t fit what they mistakenly assume should happen - is that they have failed both the show and more importantly they have failed themselves.
When watching ‘The Target’ you should consider it to be the first chapter of the story rather than the pilot episode of a new series.
The Summary:
[Note: The Summaries are taken from the DVD and no attempt is made to pass this off as my own work.]
During the trial of D’Angelo Barksdale, a mid-level dealer accused of murder, the prosecution’s star witness recants her testimony, resulting in a not guilty verdict. After the trial, Detective McNulty explains to Judge Phelan how he suspects the Barksdale crew for a line of related murders. After the judge contacts McNulty’s superiors about this revelation McNulty is taken to task for his indiscretion. Meanwhile, D’Angelo’s free to return to work. But discovers he’s been demoted to street level deals.
Read on beyond the link for the recap and assessment of ‘The Target’…
The Recap:
The credits roll (scored to the brilliant Blind Boys of Alabama’s cover of Tom Wait’s “Way Down in the Hole”) and introduce one of the more insidious themes of the first season, the constant presence of surveillance in modern life spaced with shots of wire tap equipment, footage from episodes and quick images of Baltimore’s streets. Once they have finished we see McNulty and his partner Bunk in Baltimore’s court of law, McNulty is heading up to watch the murder trial of one D’Angelo Barksdale while Bunk is dropping of a file before heading to the office. McNulty warns him not to answer the phones once back there; if Bunk does they will both end up working a murder case out of order.
Kima, Herc and Carver have returned to Narcotics where they are working on typing up the report. Well Kima is working while Herc and Carver goof about. It’s a light hearted scene filled with the ordinary, problems with equipment, banter between friends and so forth. Scenes like this are a common place in “The Wire” thanks to its story structure, with the plot spaced across an entire season it’s able to enrich the reality of its world with the banal. Daniels tells them he has to leave because the higher ups are angry about something while Herc explains one of the rules of the institutions (and the show) “shit always rolls downhill” then Carver highlights one of the major themes with his comment about how you can’t call what they’re doing the war on drugs, because wars end.
Out on the streets Wee-Bey and D’Angelo are talking about the case Dee just beat. We have a great shot outside a diner where Wee-Bey; the hardened gangster stands underneath the word burger while D’Angelo stands underneath the word chicken. It’s designed to highlight the differences between the two men. Wee-Bey reminds him of the rule, the reason why the Barksdales have managed to remain outside the knowledge of the P.D. Then they roll on over to the strip club where D’Angelo is dressed down by Avon in a scene that runs parallel to the reaming McNulty just got. He’s reminded, just as McNulty was, that he’s nothing more than part of the institution and he needs to know his place no matter whom he is related to, Dee is forced to display the same level of humility.
In Homicide both McNulty and Bunk are wallowing in the troubles of their own devising, McNulty is stuck typing after his mouth ran off and Bunk is stuck with a decomposed murder in a vacant lot after his ear and heart got him there. It pays to learn the lesson of the three wise monkeys, something that Landsman is happy to remind them both of. He’s also happy to let McNulty know that the Deputy is not a man to upset because he can send you right where you don’t want to be, in McNulty’s case this is the marine unit.
Bubbles and Johnny sit back to enjoy their spoils and Bubbles tries to explain how he’s looking after Johnny. Johnny asks to run the money scam tomorrow and Bubbles agrees to let him despite feeling that he isn’t ready.
Johnny attempts to work the money scam and is aided by Wallace who struggles to get the math right on change for another customer. Unfortunately he panics and attempts to force the money on Wallace who immediately dumps it on the ground where Bodie spots the fake dollars. Johnny is chased down and a street court is held over him with Dee as the judge, unwilling to make a decision on this Dee walks away without telling the boys what to do. At a time like this even a lack of decision can also be a decision and Johnny gets beaten by Poot, Wallace and Bodie.
Daniels meets with the others brought onto the Barksdale case, from Narcotics he’s brought Kima, Herc and Carver while McNulty and Santangelo have been assigned from Homicide and Ronnie from the State’s Attorney’s office. It’s clear here that there is no love loss between Daniels and McNulty here; Daniels just wants to clear the case and put it in the ground while McNulty wants to go after Avon and Stringer. McNulty speaks out and Daniels immediately lets him know where he stands, which is waist deep in the sewer but McNulty isn’t willing to give ground and Daniels reminds him again of his place.
Unwinding after the day Bunk and McNulty chat about McNulty’s failed marriage, difficulties with custody and Daniels, Bunk warns him about Daniels and McNulty utters the first occurrence of his iconic catchphrase “What the f**k did I do?” this line sums up so much you need to know about McNulty’s general ignorance about his actions. In parallel Dee is back at the strip club explaining about what happened with Johnny to Stringer and is then approached by one of the girls who work at the club, an attractive young woman named Shardene, but he’s in no mood for the company and she moves onto another client (played by one of Clark Johnson’s relatives). Kima on the other hand heads back home and we’re given a glimpse into her life that will widen as the series progresses.
Later that night McNulty and Bunk end up drinking down the railway tracks and Bunk tells McNulty about how he dealt with a mouse by shooting it (based on a real story) while McNulty stands in the middle of the railway tracks and urinates while a train approaches (a metaphor for his actions). In order to film this scene they actually had to get Dominic to stand there while the train approached him, there is no trickery involved that train really was heading towards Dominic during the scene.
It turns out that the murdered man is one William Gant, the same Mr. Gant who gave testimony against Dee at the start of the episode. This is highlighted in the only flashback scene of the entire series, added in after a request from HBO as a compromise to help viewers follow an already complex story and the show runs to the credits while Dee walks away from the scene.
The Themes:
“Shit rolls downhill” – the higher ups always pass the buck onto those below them and so forth. The people who get the grunt work and get into trouble for screw ups are those on the bottom rungs of the two organizations.
“Endless circles” – With Carver’s “Wars End” comment he shows just how impossible the War on Drugs is, deal with one problem and a new one will step up into its place. They have been fighting a never ending war against the trafficking of drugs on West Baltimore and nothing has changed.
“Keep it wide and real” – Scenes in The Wire are normally filmed out on location, sound stages are avoided and most shots are taken with a wide angle to help show the reality. Also, apart from one exception each season there are is no incidental music. All sounds are designed to be diagetic which helps cement the reality of the show and also doesn’t cue the viewer’s emotions. You’re asked to feel what you feel about things, not feel what the music tells you.
“You’re being watched” – Surveillance is constantly shown in this episode with shots that are clearly from security cameras, it’s used to show how modern society is always under the electronic eye of security, even if it isn’t used a lot of the time.
“The Institution changes the Individual” – This one is a biggie, it’s the core theme of the show, demonstrating how the institutions define the rules by which the individuals within them live. McNulty attempts to move outside this (admittedly unintentionally) and is dropped down the dunny for it, likewise Dee’s actions were beyond his station and he gets busted down the ranks for doing so.
“It’s just business” – Several times in this episode the similarities between the Police Department and the Barksdale Organization are highlighted, especially when dealing with McNulty and Dee. The pair of them are dressed down in very similar manners and both are punished for acting out of line. But also, as shown during the scene between McNulty and Stringer in the courtroom that it’s clear that all of this is just business, they know the rules of the game and don’t hold anything personal against each other. One of them is just in the business of making money from drugs while the other is in the business of enforcing the law. There’s no personal “I’m going to get you Stringer” coming from McNulty, he has his reasons for doing this – and he explains them later – but it’s not because of some personal beef with Stringer, Dee or Avon.
"...When it's not your turn." - Characters stepping up and acting when they don't need to occurs multiple times in this episode. McNulty speaking out to Phelan when he could have kept quiet, Bunk picking up the phone for a murder when it wasn't his turn and William Gant pointing the finger at Dee when he should have kept quiet. But there are other small examples of what happens when you move when it's not your turn and what happens if you follow the correct order of things.
The Review:
Looking back on anything usually involves understanding that your memory of it will be a little rose tinted. It’s rare that you return to something and find that it is as good as you remember it being. Looking back on The Target it’s clear that the episode is not as good as I remember; it’s better. Only while writing the recap could I appreciate the sheer level and depth of complexity in this opening episode, there’s no attempt made to make things easier on you, the cast is already huge and it’s daunting to keep track of everyone even if you’ve already watch things once before. The characters are quickly defined, they’re played so tightly that you immediately understand where they fit in and it’s not a spoiler to say that these characters stay real and true throughout the time they’re on the screen in this series. As a pilot episode it’s easy to see why a lot of viewers struggle to understand what the fuss is about, the narrative style is so very different and the entire thing is presented in a very real fashion. It’s not slick or polished; it’s not filled with light and beauty. It’s real, it’s down to earth and it’s not afraid to tell its story as and how it wants to. In order to review and recap this episode I watched it twice in succession and it gripped me both times.
It’s just a phenomenal piece of storytelling and once you accept it’s only the first chapter in the tale you can appreciate how it works and fits. There are some really subtle shots that tell you a lot about the personalities of the characters, sometimes in their actions (like McNulty and the train) sometimes in their positions (Dee and the Chicken sign). It’s just an amazing piece of work that gets better with repeated watching and the more you come to understand about the events the more you can appreciate the brilliance of the show. It’s so detailed that it deserves the ‘Dickensian’ label used by some critics when referring to the show.
The Target is a masterpiece, but it is certainly a demanding episode to watch. It expects more from the people who watch it then the average viewer has to give and while it should be commended for this lack of compromise over its artistic vision it is also understandable why so many people have failed to see the brilliance beyond. Big demands, on the viewer, big rewards for watching.
I knew it was wrong when word corrected my spelling, but I forgot about it in amongst all the other words and the problems with making the post display correctly, cheers for pointing that out.