Happy Birthday to Rev-Views

By Rev/Views

Well, one year ago on this date I started writing on this blog. While it's changed names and layout in the time it's remained about television the entire time I wrote here. I'm not really sure what else to say except it's been interesting spending about half a year with almost no-one reading; to this point, where I'm sure there are some people reading (hello you!), but I'd be a monkeys uncle if I knew who and how many. A few I guess? Some maybe? Who knows, not me!

If there's anyone out there who'd like to give the blog a birthday present then the only thing I could honestly request is I'd love to see someone stand up in the comments section and say they'll give "The Wire" a try by watching the entire first season.

If you're unfamiliar with "The Wire" Here's what Charlie Brooker has to say about the show pre-season four: (Warning it contains harsh, NSFW language and very mild spoilers.)

Also I've written about it a fair bit around here, but if you want a mostly spoiler free/spoiler light rendition then start here. At the very least you should watch the scene in the youtube video linked to in my WYSW, but be warned - it's totally NSFW or children due to language. And I'm not kidding, the language in that scene is legen...dary in it's NSFW nature.

162 posts in a year... Not bad.


5 comments so far.

  1. Aaron 27 September 2008 at 10:12
    Happy Birthday sir!
  2. Matt 29 September 2008 at 09:42
    Congrats on reaching a year!

    This is me standing up and saying I'll give The Wire a try (I'd probably better watch The Shield first though...)
  3. Rev/Views 29 September 2008 at 09:59
    Thank you Aaron and Matt!

    I can't recommend The Shield and The Wire enough. Such quality television. I'll be running a weekly feature on The Wire once the final season is released as something to do on a Friday.
  4. Rob Buckley 1 October 2008 at 22:02
    Belated happy returns! Sorry I wasn't here for the day itself!

    Incidentally, did you know it was I who introduced the cast of The Wire to Charlie Brooker? It was part of my propaganda war.
  5. Rev/Views 1 October 2008 at 23:52
    That's brilliant!

Something to say?